Indiana Farmer’s Markets may be here, there, and everywhere, but I thought it was time you had a closer look at just what that means for many small towns. Gone are the days when a farmer’s market only meant produce! Here at the Rensselaer, Indiana Farmer’s Market, you can expect quite the assortment!
This Jasper County farmer’s market has something that other Indiana towns may want to copy: special events! With the market on Saturday mornings and Tuesday nights, they have reserved Tuesday nights for the last month or so of Summer as a time to hold themed nights like Kid’s Night, a Pet Parade, special music, and more.
Those of us Hoosiers who live in small towns know that farmer’s markets are more than an easy way to obtain fresh produce–it’s a time to socialize! At the Rensselaer, Indiana Farmer’s Market, you can throw in a bit of entertainment too. How fun!
Indiana Farmer’s Markets: Rensselaer, Indiana
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!
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Rensselaer, Indiana Farmer’s Market at the Jasper County Courthouse
115 West Washington Street
Rensselaer, Indiana 47978
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