For the past ten years, Wabash, Indiana folks look forward to the annual Wabash Chili Cook-Off for Charity. Touted as “the biggest chili cook-off East of the Missisisippi,” it is always so much fun!
You pay a small fee to get in, then you visit booth after hilariously decorated booth tasting chili. Good chili, bad chili, hot chili, mild chili, white chili, red chili…you get the idea! At this point there is space for 120 booths at the Wabash, Indiana Paradise Spring Historical Park.
I have a few more photos from the Chili Cook-Off that I will post on Flickr, too. Wabash County folks are sure to see someone that they know!
Images from Wabash Chili Cook-Off for Charity
Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.
Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that little Indiana sent you!
Wabash Chili Cook-Off
Paradise Spring Historical Park
351 East Market Street
Wabash, Indiana 46992
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